Pēc pazemojuma lidmašīnā sieviete zaudē 76 kilogramus un pilnībā izmaina dzīvi
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Pēc pazemojuma lidmašīnā sieviete zaudē 76 kilogramus un pilnībā izmaina dzīvi


Kanādiete Kelsija notievējusi par 76 kilogramiem pēc pazemojumiem, kurus piedzīvojusi brīžos, kad viņai lidmašīnā nav izdevies piesprādzēties. Viņas pieredzes stāsts publicēts “Daily Mail”.

32 gadus jaunā Kelsija Bona no Kanādas provinces Ontārio sāka pieņemties svarā pēc tam, kad apprecējās un pārcēlās uz Lielbritāniju.

Tur viņa aizrāvusies ar ātrās ēdināšanas restorānu apmeklēšanu un dienā patērēja līdz četriem tūkstošiem kilokaloriju. Sieviete devusies uz “McDonald's” restorāru divas līdz trīs reizes dienā. Rezultātā viņas svars sasniedzis 136 kilogramus.

Liekā svara dēļ sieviete izjutusi neērtības. Viņai bija grūti spēlēties ar bērniem, bet lidmašīnā viņai nācies piedzīvot apkaunojumu pasažieru un stjuartu priekšā, lūdzot pagarināt drošības jostu.

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So I know I am typically super positive but I am going off script and keeping it real tonight because I feel like a bit of a fraud. ⁣ ⁣ I took the picture on the left as my weekly update on my progress and truth be told I thought I looked hawt! (Even sent it to Wes haha) So instantly my brain wanted me to make a comparison picture to show how far I have come. Like come on... I have perky boobs a thighgap & a tight stomach...hellooo...⁣ if that doesn’t scream #transformation I don’t know what does lol⁣ ⁣⁣ Smack dab in the middle of posting this picture it hit me like a ton of bricks... wtf am I doing?! What am I projecting?! I am in the worst health I think I have ever been in my entire life currently & yet I am going to post this picture as if I reached “success”... I am posed like that in my picture because I can’t stand straight & have to lean on things. I’ve lost another almost 10 pounds this week because I am so grossly nauseous from weaning off my pain medication. My doctors offices are so concerned with my current weightIoss that I’ve been checked in twice. I am dehydrated, fighting a bacterial infection, on antibiotics, a slew of supplements to regulate my body, I am on uppers and downers, I am still feeling like my boobs are sewn to my hips but damnnnn I look “better” in a swim suit. Lol 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ Its so funny how u can get so caught up in societies standards of success that you are sometimes willing to forget the struggles & pretend like you’ve made it. ⁣ ⁣⁣ So this is a reminder that the skinny after pics you see plastered all over insta are not necessarily the full truth, & definitely (from experience) not the healthiest versions of themselves. From a former chunky chick sure I always had a piece of me that wanted to be smaller so sometimes I forget the long road that brought me here. The hospital stays, the depression, the sickness, the erosion of relationships, the missed holidays, the insecurities, the scares. So remember my friends skinny does not equate to healthy. Don’t chase numbers on your scale. Live because you want to live. Do you, for you, be healthy, make decent decisions and never compare your success to that of a stranger online Con 👇

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Kelsija regulāri uzsāka diētas, taču nomestais svars ātri vien atgriezies. Kanādietei izdevies notievēt par 60 kilogramiem tikai pēc kuņģa samazināšanas operācijas un pievēršanās veselīgam uzturam.

“Pati operācija tevi nemaina. Tas ir tikai līdzeklis. Līdzeklis, kas palīdz kontrolēt recidīvus. Nevar pēkšņi pamosties un kļūt tievs. Nepieciešams pieņemt pareizos lēmumus,” sacīja Kelsija. 

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Face to face Friday! 😁😁⁣ ⁣ I feel like I don’t do these enough because I am worried that someone will equate weightloss to happiness or health. So to change it up here is a transformation with a twist. ⁣ ⁣ On the left was an over weight version of me. I was encroaching on the 300 mark with a food addiction but besides the impending potential health risks I was relatively happy. Sore, tired but still pretty happy.⁣ ⁣ The picture on the right I was 130 pounds lighter and by appearance I look smaller and healthier. One would see this transformation and say she’s done it! She’s managed to lose half her body size! However if I told you this was mid health crisis where I could barely walk, barely function, couldn’t make a sentence straight would that surprise you? I was 1000% depressed, dependant on pain medication, sedated to live. ⁣I was far from happy, I weighed less but I was NOT happy. ⁣ I have crawled out of my medical issues hole with the help of some amazing professionals. I have worked towards happiness and acceptance. My weightloss has afforded me the opportunity to have new amazing health goals but it is something you HAVE to work on. ⁣ ⁣ So this is a reminder that weightloss doesn’t equal happiness. That is something you won’t find on a scale. It is not a measurement of how full your life is, or how healthy you are, it does not measure disease, mental health issues or illness. The scale is a number and that number is irrelevant if you don’t work along side it to feel healthy and happy. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ So next time you compare someone else’s before and after remember, skinny= does not equal healthy necessarily and it for sure does not equal happiness! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #facetoface #health #healthy #wellness #weightloss #wls #wlscommunity #rny #rnycommunity #beforeandafter #transformation #hardwork #fitness #weightlosstransformation

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