VIDEO: Jaungada naktī zibens iesper Kapitolija ēkā, Vašingtona monumentā un Ņujorkas slavenajā "Empire State Building"; soctīklu reakcija - "Mājiens no augšas!"

Jaungada naktī ASV ziemeļaustrumos plosījās negaiss, un zibens iespēra trīs pazīstamās ēkās — Kapitolijā un Vašingtona monumentā ASV galvaspilsētā Vašingtonā un Ņujorkas slavenajā debesskrāpī "Empire State Building".
Soctīklos daudzi to uztvēra kā "mājienu no augšas", ņemot vērā, ka 2025. gada pirmajā dienā jau notika terorista uzbrukums Ņūorleānā, nogalinot 10 cilvēkus, 20. janvārī Baltajā namā atgriezīsies Donalds Tramps, bet viņa republikāņi kontrolē abas ASV Kongresa palātas — Senātu un Pārstāvju palātu.
The New Year kicks off with two terrorist attacks and lightning strikes on the Capitol and Empire State Building. Not great omens! Roman Senators would’ve started killing themselves by now.
— Senator Nutsack (@SenatorNutsack) January 1, 2025
The US Capitol, World Trade Center, and Empire State Building were all struck by lightning tonight, on the final evening of 2024.
— SOVEREIGN BRAH 🇺🇸🏛️⚡️ (@sovereignbrah) January 1, 2025
Feels like an omen. I wonder what God is telling us. pic.twitter.com/5hNoeCs5sK
🚨*WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?* That Lightning Strikes ALL 3 of these buildings on New Years Eve!?
— In2ThinAir (@In2ThinAir) January 1, 2025
* Empire State Building
* State Capitol Building
* Washington Monument
They can't be that high! Was this an omen of what's to come in 2025?
Free energy? Weather Modification? What does… pic.twitter.com/cFLWw6tYqQ
Last night the Capitol Building, the Washington Monument and the Empire State Building were all struck by lightning.
— Sarah Malcangi (@MalcangiSarah) January 1, 2025
I don’t think that’s a coincidence. pic.twitter.com/UCOWLgbZsX
Was God trying to tell us something?
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) January 1, 2025
Last night, lightning reported struck New York One World Trade Center, Empire State Building, Washington Monument, and the Capitol building
Shortly after, a Ford Lightning runs into a crowd in New Orleans. pic.twitter.com/5YctKcotzd