"Šis ceļojums ir garš, nepilnīgs. Es vienmēr izvēlējos piecelties un turpināt iesākto." Sieviete pārsteidz un iedvesmo ar savām vizuālajām pārmaiņām
foto: Instagram @kiah_twisselman

"Šis ceļojums ir garš, nepilnīgs. Es vienmēr izvēlējos piecelties un turpināt iesākto." Sieviete pārsteidz un iedvesmo ar savām vizuālajām pārmaiņām


Kaja Tviselmena (27) no Kalifornijas (ASV) pārsteigusi un iedvesmojusi ne vienu vien ar savām vizuālajām pārmaiņām pēdējo divu gadu laikā. Viņa pierādījusi, ka nav obligāti jāievēro striktas diētas, lai zaudētu svaru, bet gan jāturas pie konkrēta paradumu plāna, jāpiedod sev, ja uzreiz nesanāk, jāturpina iesāktais un jābūt pacietīgam, gaidot rezultātus.

"Šis ceļojums ir garš, nepilnīgs. Es vienmēr izvēl...

Pirms diviem gadiem viņa lasījusi Reičelas Hollas grāmatu “Meitene, nomazgā seju” (“Girl, Wash Your Face”) . Iedvesmojoties no tās, nolēmusi ievērot tur minēto piecu paradumu plānu, kuram katru dienu jāievēro regularitāte: jāmostas stundu ātrāk, vismaz 30 minūtes jānodarbojas ar sportu, jāizdzer tik unces ūdens, cik ir puse no esošā svara, jāēd intuitīvi un jāievieš pieraksti, kur tiek dokumentēta katra diena.

Viņa uzsākusi 2018. gada oktobrī. Pēc trim mēnešiem viņa pamanījusi, ka ir zaudējusi 11 kilogramus sava svara. Tas viņu iedvesmojis uzstādīt prātā mērķi līdz 2019. gada oktobrim zaudēt 45 kilogramus. Jāteic, ka sievietei pat izdevies pārspēt savas gaidas, jo tika zaudēti 54 kilogrami svara.

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The greatest gift I’ve ever received is the one I gave myself - the gift of trying again and refusing not to give up. I’ve lost 115 pounds, but truthfully my health journey hasn’t really been about the weight loss. The physical transformation might be pretty remarkable, but if only you could see my mind! Because I promise you, friend, that’s where the greatest transformation has been made. Simply wishing you could have a life that looked different than it does won’t change anything. Hoping that one day things might be different and looking at other people’s lives with jealousy won’t create the life you’ve always dreamed of. It’s not enough to try once and give up at the first sign of failure. It’s not even enough to try twice. It takes failing your way through it and continuing to pick yourself up and try again. Over, and over, and over again. No matter what. Stop wasting this incredible gift of life by not being willing to believe that you CAN do it. You can do anything! But not while clinging to a mindset that’s holding you back and telling you that you can’t. Of all the gifts you give this year, consider how incredible giving yourself the gift of trying again would feel. The gift of being willing to believe a different story about yourself and what is possible. The gift of regaining your self-confidence by not breaking promises to yourself. The gift of loving yourself from the inside out and living life with intention to become the best version of you, one baby step at a time. It’s so easy for us to believe in ourselves as kiddos. Use some of that Christmas magic and try believing in yourself again.

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Tviselmena esot iepriekš izmēģinājusi vairākas diētas, bet nekas neesot līdzējis. Viņa jau bija pieņēmusi, ka būs jāsadzīvo ar savu ķermeni. Tāpat viņa vainu novēla uz sliktu ģenētiku.

Tagad sieviete norāda, ka pārmaiņas notikušas ne tikai ķermenī, bet arī prātā. Iepriekš viņa jau esot noskaņojusies, ka droši vien nekas nesanāks, bet šoreiz sev skandinājusi, ka sanāks. Tāpat svarīgi esot ievērot regularitāti un piedot sev, ja rezultāti nenāk tik ātri, cik gribētos.

Kādā no ierakstiem "Instagram" viņa raksta: “Nesaki, ka jāsāk no jauna pirmdien!

Man vienalga, ja tu pēdējo piecu gadu laikā neesi vingrojis. Man vienalga, vai tu tikko, sēžot uz dīvāna, izēdi kasti saldējuma.

Paņemt pārtraukumu vai izdarīt mazu pārkāpumu nenozīmē, ka ir jāsāk viss no sākuma.

Kad mēs sev sakām, ka sāksim no jauna, mēs nodomājam, ka nākamreiz to izdarīsim nevainojami. Un tad mēs sākam domāt, ka, ja mēs nevaram to izdarīt nevainojami, tad varbūt mums to nevajadzētu darīt vispār.

Tev ir jāpieņem sevi, savas kļūdas un jāiet tām cauri. Šādi tu kļūsi stiprāks un varēsi turpināt.

Šis ceļojums ir  garš, nepilnīgs. Man bijušas dažādas ēdiena vēlmes, nokavēti treniņi. Es vienmēr izvēlējos piecelties un turpināt iesākto.

Neveiksme ir garantēta, bet piecelties atkal kājās un turpināt – tā ir izvēle. Ko tu izvēlēsies? ”

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The only part of my body I used to like was my eyes. They are ice blue just like my dad’s, and the only part of my body I couldn’t consider overweight! I hated every other part of me. My arms were saggy. My legs lumpy. My stomach flabby. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, desperate to escape it. My desperation led me to sign up for countless fad diets. Maybe this would be the one, the quick fix that will make me beautiful and worthy. I thought that maybe if I was skinnier I’d finally be able to accept myself, I’d finally be able to live life with confidence. I’d start off each new diet strong, and then once I made the first mistake, I’d use that as evidence for why I was destined to fail again. Instead of giving myself grace and forgiveness, I’d spiral, piling on more shame and self-loathing. And then, to buffer away my emotions and disappointment, I’d eat. Food was my comfort, an instant release of dopamine to allow me to escape my feelings and discomfort. And so, the pattern would continue. Hate myself. Start a diet. Make a mistake. Hate myself more. Eat food. Gain weight. And repeat. This time, I knew things had to be different. I had to BREAK THE CYCLE - a cycle that I had created in my own mind. I knew I needed to learn to love myself FIRST, instead of focusing on the diet or exercise plan, as if my physical appearance was the solution to my problems. You, as you are, are beautiful, worthy, and whole. When we learn to love ourself FIRST, our journey becomes fueled by our commitment each day to becoming our best, rather than by self-shame and punishment. When we love ourself first, we forgive ourself, we stop quitting on ourself, and we reach for more. Not because we hate who we are, but because we love who we know we were always meant to be.

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Two years ago, I wouldn’t have even entertained the idea of taking half-naked photos. To be honest, it made me uncomfortable just seeing myself in the mirror in my underwear, let alone immortalizing it in a photo forever. But two weeks ago, I stripped down in front of a camera and did the scariest, most empowering thing I’ve ever done and took boudoir photos. Not because my body is perfect, but because I’m learning to love it exactly as it is. I’m absolutely not perfect at embracing myself. None of us are. But I’m committed to working on it daily, and that’s really what this self-love and health journey is all about. The most beautiful thing in the world is not a flawless body. It’s a person who unapologetically embraces themself with confidence, gratitude, and grace, regardless of their flaws. I’m learning to uncage myself from my insecurities, to fully appreciate life and the gift that is this perfectly imperfect body. My cellulite, stretch marks, loose skin, scars, and varicose veins are not to be ashamed of. They are a part of me, they make me human. They are NORMAL. The world doesn’t get to decide whether or not we’re worthy of experiencing life to its fullest, only WE get to do that. I wish I knew that sooner. I wish I didn’t hide beneath layers of clothes and self-shame. I wish I didn’t lie about not wanting to go to the lake or the beach because I was scared of being exposed. I wish I didn’t think my worth was dependent on a number on the scale. I wish I knew that self-love didn’t come ONCE I was “acceptable,“ but it was available all along. I went on the vacation. I wore the bathing suit. I took the pictures. It was scary, it was intimidating, but this life is so gosh damn worth it. You don’t have to wait until you’re a certain size, shape, or complexion to fully accept and embrace yourself. You get to love yourself right now, as you are, while still striving each day to be one baby step closer to your future, best self. I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am enough. And SO. ARE. YOU. Stop hiding, start living. 📸: @twoarrowsphoto P.S. To see more beach boudoir photos (and the outtakes) check out my latest blog at coachkiah.com! 🌊👙

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Hello! ¡Hola! Salut! Xin chào! Hej! Szia! Halo! ہیلو! Zdravo! Want to know something wild? Over the last month, my story has been translated into Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Danish, Hungarian, Indonesian, Urdu, Croatian, and more. That absolutely BLOWS MY MIND. Not just that my story has been across the globe and back, but that I’ve received messages from countless people in different languages (thank you Google translate) that have found hope and inspiration because of it. Because I decided to show up for myself, I have given other people permission to show up for themselves too - my friends, my family, and strangers I will likely never meet all across the world. That is POWERFUL, and perhaps the greatest reward from this whole journey, even more so than my weight loss itself. By sharing my own story, the raw and real and messy, I can hold space for others walking through this too. If even just through these little squares on a feed I can offer hope to just one other person, then this was all worth it. Deciding to believe in myself and try again less than two years ago has completely transformed my life in ways I could have never imagined. And the coolest thing of all? It’s helping transform other people’s lives too. Just imagine if I had given up on myself again instead. Moral of the story: stop giving up on yourself. Your life, and maybe even others people’s lives, depend on it. So, new friends, I’d love to meet you! Tell me in the comments where you’re from and how you found me!👇🏼 Whoever you are and wherever you are in the world, know that I’m always cheering for you. 💛🙌🏻

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