Annija svēra tikai 28 kilogramus – britu pusaudzes vēlme notievēt pārvēršas slimīgā paranojā

Annija svēra tikai 28 kilogramus - britu pusaudzes vēlme notievēt pārvēršas slimīgā paranojā

Būdama tikai 15 gadus veca, Annija Vindlija no Dērbišīras, Lielbritānijā, sāka badoties. Piecu gadu garumā viņa piespieda sevi izdzīvot vien ar maizes šķēli dienā, nokrītot svarā līdz 28,5 kilogramiem.

Annija svēra tikai 28 kilogramus – britu pusaudzes...

Paniskās bailēs no pieņemšanās svarā, Annija pat nespēja paskatīties uz ēdienu: “Tas bija pat tik slikti, ka, ieraugot ēdienu, man gribējās kliegt un ātrāk tikt prom,” britu medijiem atklāj nu jau 20 gadus vecā Annija. 

Meitenes ikdienas mērķis bija kļūt arvien tievākais un tievākai, šā mērķa vadīta, Annija bija gatava tam, ka pasliktinājās viņas sekmes skolā, meitene nespēja koncentrēties un sāka piedzīvot sirds mazspēju. 

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•When we realise our worth is not determined by our physical appearance, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE• I’m writing this post to express how important it is to NEVER give up and to realise that recovery is not a smooth sailing easy option, but a BRAVE and bumpy journey that each and every one of you reading this has the capacity to reach!💪🏻👌🏻Just 1 year ago I was a tiny, dying alienated body fuelled by nothing but hate, fear, anger and regret😔 I let my past haunt me, my present torture me and my future terrify me. I could have easily ended up dead with my loved ones crying over my grave... BUT I REFUSED TO GIVE UP AND I REFUSED TO LET AN EATING DISORDER RULE ME!!😡I’m now 3 stones heavier than my lowest weight and although each day I have insecurities, minor break downs and set backs, I’m learning to take control and love the individual soul that my body protects🙌🏻I’m not perfect but I’m me and all of us as individuals have been put on this earth for a PURPOSE! Make it your goal to achieve your aspirations and then find the courage to keep setting higher goals to hit again and again and again!🌟•Please keep looking. Not for a person, but for a passion! Your love, your courage, your hope, your dreams, your happiness, YOURSELF! Keep looking. Explore yourself before you explore another. Know your worth and know yourself!! Because only then will you truly know what you NEED over what you want. You need yourself to become your own and instead of pointing out all the negatives, start highlighting all the positives and watch your life brighten and your future open!• I hope you’re all looking forward to the bank holiday! I’m off to Norfolk for a few days with my boyfriend and his Uni mates🤗take care you brave strangers and never loose hope! #transformation #bodytransformation #body #weightgain #strongnotskinny #fitnotthin #recovery #power #women #fit #courage xx

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Kaut arī Annijai izdevās absolvēt vidusskolu, viņas nākotne iezīmējās drūmās krāsās. Meitenes ķermenis bija tik novājināts, ka viņa nonāca slimnīcā. Ne skolotāji, ne mediķi, pat ne ģimene nespēja palīdzēt Annijai tikt galā ar psiholoģiskajām problēmām un kompleksiem par savu ķermeni,  meiteni izglāba šokolāde. 

Vienu dienu Annija saprata, ka, apēdot šokolādes tāfelīti, viņas svars nepalielinās. Annija sāka to ēst katru dienu, nebaidoties pieņemties svarā. Bauda, ko viņa izjuta ēdot šokolādi, pamazām palīdzēja atgūt vēlmi pēc īsta ēdiena. 

Annija ar savu stāstu dalās ar vairāk nekā 12 tūkstošiem sekotāju sociālā tīkla “Instagram” kontā, lai parādītu, cik garš atveseļošanās posms jāiziet, cerībā, ka citiem jauniešiem nenāksies piedzīvot ko līdzīgu. 

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🌟TRANSFORMAION TUESDAY🌟 I wanted to make this post because honestly after 4 years of self hate, starvation, pain, guilt and misery I've finally stopped being at war with myself and gained not just my weight back but my LIFE back too!💪🏻🎊🎉 For me it's important to remember that LOVE IS EVERYWHERE!🤗it's in the sky when it turns vibrant shades of pink and orange... it's when you hear that one song and everything comes rushing to the surface🎶it's warm summer nights and dancing in the street with your best friends💃🏻those long talk about why we are who we are and who we will become🌟it's tenderness. It's comfort. It's seeing beautiful places for the first time🌸it's slow kissing and passionate discussions😍it's your dog when you come home after a long day🐶it's your grandma's cooking🥘the smell of your mums perfume. LOVE IS HIDDEN IN EVERYTHING🙃it lingers in every part of our lives. It's not always romantic and it's not always for a person... Love can be shared with moments, things and experiences and it's what make life WORTH IT!💪🏻👌🏻Never give up on the person you wish to become! Thank you for all your support! Take care everyone🌸🤗#transformationtuesday #beforeandafter beautiful #recoverywin #recovery #fightana #anorexia #anorexiarecovery #ed #edfam #eatsmart #eattobeatit #motivation #inspiration #strongnotskinny #fitnotthin xx

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