Viņi ir sirmi, bārdaini, bet ļoti seksīgi. FOTO
Vecums – tas nenozīmē gadu skaitu, vēstī kāds populārs teiciens. Un šie vīrieši to pierāda!

Viņi ir sirmi, bārdaini, bet ļoti seksīgi. FOTO

Teiksiet, ka sirmas bārdas piestāv tikai Ziemassvētku vecīšiem? Nekā nebija! Paskatieties uz šiem neticami izskatīgajiem kungiem, kuri jau ir pāri pusmūžam, tomēr izskatās pārsteidzoši labi.

Viņi patiešām mainīs tavus aizspriedumus pret vīriešiem, kuru matos un bārdā greznojas ne viens vien sudrabains pavediens. Vairums no šiem džentlmeņiem ir veiksmīgi uzņēmēji, aktieri, modeļi, rakstnieki u.c., un viņus visus vieno patiess vīrišķīgums, kas jūtams pat fotogrāfijās. Un ko tur slēpt – kopti, sportiski un stilīgi vīrieši allaž ir piesaistījuši pretējā dzimuma uzmanību. Pamielo acis arī tu!

Felipe Damss (60 gadu)

Alesandro Manfredīni, 48 gadi

#silver #style #hairstyle #hair #capelli #beard #model #karlmommoo

A photo posted by Alessandro Manfredini (@alessandro_manfredini) on

Aidens Breidijs, 50 gadi

Džanluka Vači, 50 gadu

Cold water is so healthy.. #gvlifestyle

A photo posted by Gianluca Vacchi (@gianlucavacchi) on

😉 #gvlifestyle

A photo posted by Gianluca Vacchi (@gianlucavacchi) on

Eriks Razerfords, 49 gadi

My favorite time #movado #partner #ERlikes

A photo posted by eric rutherford (@mr.rutherford) on

Entonijs Varečja, 53 gadi

Rons Džeks Folejs, 50 gadu

Hugo Boss fitting. I could live here. #prettythings

A photo posted by R JACK FOLEY (@to_ron_to) on

Photo by @davidleyes @bnmmodels

A photo posted by R JACK FOLEY (@to_ron_to) on

Šeins Maikls Heflijs, 54 gadi

Inside Transformation part 10. In April of 2014 I was notified that my landlord wanted her house back that I lived and had my business in. I had been there 9 years. As I began to contemplate where to move I was getting this impression inside of me that I was not to move my business with me. Since I couldn't leave my business at the house I began to realize God was wanting me to close the business. How could this be? It was my only source of income. I was in deep debt. I had bills to pay. Maybe God would show me another job before I had to move in July. Time continued to tick by. I couldn't get away from that impression. The reality of actually closing my business was beginning to sink in. I was terrified. The questions I was asking myself were overwhelming. In His love for me, God had connected me to another strong Christian man who I was able to be completely vulnerable with as I questioned all of this and God. He helped keep me grounded. I decided to do a fast in June, just a month before I was to move, to seek God's will. What would He possibly be leading me too if I trusted Him and did this? During the fast God planted a new dream in my heart. I saw fitness modeling as a potential career. It was exciting and gave me hope. Enough hope to get the courage on July 19, 2014, to close my business and step out in faith with God with no income or provision to take care of myself. I had enough in savings to cover me for about a month. My hope was that God would lead me to my new career quickly. That didn't happen. By September my money had run out. Many of you might be thinking, why didn't you get a job? Yeah I thought the same thing. But that same voice that told me to close my business was telling me to "TRUST ME". And so I did. Day after day life was getting harder. Much of the time I was terrified. Never before in my life had I had so little. Was God providing? Yes He was. I would have money show up at the absolute perfect time from unexpected sources. God was not nearly as concerned about bill due dates as I was. It was very humbling to a perfectionist, who cared way too much what other people thought, to actually be late on bills. Next giving it all...

A photo posted by ⚔️Shan Michael Hefley⚔️ (@fit1962a) on

Internal Transformation Part 5. We were now out of church. I continued praying and reading scripture trying to stay close to God. I made a huge mistake of leaving my family spiritually naked. No praying together, or scripture reading or teaching. I naively thought, God will guide them, but that was my job. And I gave it up to our detriment. When I got out of prison I was given a $400k tax debt by the IRS. Though I paid everyone back who I stole from, they considered it income and taxed it. We had no way of paying that kind of debt. We would get letters telling us to pay but we had nothing but our home. The letters terrified me. Every time I would get one I froze! They continued to get more threatening. All I could do was pray. When I did, God would tell me, He will take care of our needs. This crisis caused me to draw closer to God. He was teaching me to trust Him. In 2005 on my drive home from the tanning salon in Dallas, God placed it on my heart to buy the business. Two weeks later He opened the door so I could do so. Six months later I moved it to our hometown. God covered me with His favor and my little business grew dramatically. I knew who was blessing me and that knowledge kept me growing in God, albeit slowly. Then came 2007. The year began with the IRS sending me letters that they were going to begin to levy our property. Again terror covered me. Then I found out that a large company that I had a business agreement with was being purchased and I was going to lose their contract. This was horrible. By now the media and the government regulators were killing the indoor tanning business. Many of my customers were going out of business. I could have taken steps on my own to try and alleviate these problems but God was telling me, "Trust Me." In 2010 as my business crumbled and the threat of the IRS taking our home grew, I stood in the shower one night and cried out to God! "Please help me! Please make me a part of something bigger than myself!" God was getting ready to move. In 2012 I hit the 10 year statute of limitations on my debt and the entire $400k disappeared! God had been so faithful to me over these 10 years. That was the great news! And then

A photo posted by ⚔️Shan Michael Hefley⚔️ (@fit1962a) on Foto: Instagram
