30 gadu vecumā mirusi modele, kura gadiem ilgi iedrošināja sievietes pieņemt savu figūru, kāda viņām dota
foto: insight media / ddp / Vida Press
Modele Elija Meideja jeb īstajā vārdā Ešlija Lūtere.

30 gadu vecumā mirusi modele, kura gadiem ilgi iedrošināja sievietes pieņemt savu figūru, kāda viņām dota


Modele Ešlija Lutere, kura bija labāk pazīstama kā Elija Meideja, sešus gadus veltīja, lai iedrošinātu meitenes un sievietes mīlēt savu ķermeni. Šā gada 1. martā modele devusies mūžībā, zaudējot cīņā ar olnīcu vēzi. Viņai bija tikai 30 gadu!

30 gadu vecumā mirusi modele, kura gadiem ilgi ied...

2013. gadā modelei Elijai Meidejai konstatēja olnīcu vēzi trešajā stadijā. Ap šo laiku viņai piedāvāja arī divus modeles darba līgumus. Tā vietā, lai aizietu no sabiedriskās dzīves, viņa izvēlējās pretējo. Meideja nevēlējās slēpties un bija gatava runāt par visu, kas ar viņu notiek. „Es padomāju, ka varbūt varētu palīdzēt kādai citai, kas piedzīvo ko līdzīgu un aizvien turpina piepildīt savus sapņus,” apliecinājusi Kanādā dzimusī modele. „Man šā kā tā pašai bija jāiet tam visam cauri, tad kāpēc nepadarīt šo pieredzi tik pozitīvu, cik vien tas šajā situācijā iespējams?”

Pēc atklātās diagnozes Elija pameta stjuartes darbu un lepni pozēja fotogrāfijām, rādot operāciju atstātās rētas uz sava auguma. Modeles fotogrāfijas bija publicētas žurnālos un viņa tās rādīja savos sociālo tīklu profilos. Jaunā sieviete dalījās gan savās veiksmēs, gan grūtajos brīžos, ko nākas piedzīvot. Pateicoties savam atklātumam un tiešumam, modele iemantoja daudz sekotāju sociālajos tīklos. Viņa vaļsirdīgi rakstīja par to, kāda ir cīņa ar vēzi un drosmīgi dokumentēja to kāds „izskatās” vēzis, un kādas ir sajūtas šīs slimības skartajam.

2013. gadā, kad Elija Meideja sāka sociālajos tīklos stāstīt par uzsākot cīņu ar olnīcu vēzi, viņai vietnē „Facebook” bija 30 000 sekotāju. Šobrīd oficiālajai fanu lapai ir nepilni 500 000 sekotāju.

Pērn, kad Medeja piedzīvoja slimības atgriešanos un ķīmijterapijas rezultātā zaudēja matus, viņa ar sociālo tīklu palīdzību uzmundrināja citas dāmas. Modele publiskoja fotogrāfijas, kurās ir redzama kailu galvu un teica, ka „vēlas parādīt sievietēm, ka viņas var būt skaistas arī bez matiem”.

„Mūsu skaistums izstaro, ja pieņemam izmaiņas, ar kurām mums nākas saskarties. Ja atļaujam pieņemt savas atšķirības,” rakstīja Meideja. „Manu skaistumu nenosaka mati, mans skaistums nāk no iekšienes.”

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* sorry had to delete and repost* Let’s chat about the hair for a moment, shall we? I actually wasn’t suppose to lose my hair from the type of chemo I was given. There was a slight chance but it was a reassuring thing when told what mixture I’d be on. After 2 weeks I started to notice it come out in my brush. I thought, ah its cause I’m sitting in one spot, I’m not brushing it much, yada yada... Then it really wouldn’t stop. It was annoying, I was tying it up and it would come out with the tie. So I just got rid of it. I’m not upset. I am excited to see how it comes back. I’m also happy to have this second opportunity to show women they can beautiful without hair. All that beauty we hold in our heart comes out through in our eyes, our smiles, the glow of our skin and the way we speak. Our beauty comes out if we accept the changes we must face and allow ourselves to just embrace our differences. My beauty doesn’t come from my hair, no, my beauty comes from within. I’m excited to have another opportunity to show women that bald is beautiful. It’s something I’ve learned and my experience is what I share with all of you. That’s my gift. So bring on the photo shoots, the wigs, the fun. I’m gonna be a cute baldy once again 😍 I’m Particularly excited for a nice curly mullet that I’ll grow. Ahahah #bald #shorthair #buzzcut #buzzed #chemo #baldgirl #shorthair #chemotherapy #ellymayday #nohairdontcare #nohair #buzz #hairloss #baldgirl #baldgirlsrock

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Elijas Meidejas ģimene par viņas došanos mūžībā paziņoja modeles sociālajos tīklos, sakot lielu paldies sekotājiem par viņu „nemitīgo atbalstu un sniegto mīlestību”.

„Viņa vēlējās atstāt iespaidu uz cilvēku dzīvēm. Kļūstot par Eliju Meideju viņai tas izdevās, viņa varēja sakontaktēties ar jums visiem,” raksta modeles ģimene. „Jūs visi iedvesmojāt Ešliju un ceram, ka viņa iedvesmoja arī jūs.”

„Lai gan nekad neesmu saticis Eliju, viņa man tik ļoti palīdzēja, kad manai sievai 2017. gadā konstatēja olnīcu vēzi ceturtajā stadijā,” raksta kāds „Facebook” lietotājs. „Viņa bija viens no pirmajiem cilvēkiem, kas sazinājās ar mani un manu sievu. Viņa mums sniedza tik daudz spēka. Elija, tu mūžam paliksi mūsu domās un lūgšanās. Meideju ģimenei – jūs izaudzinājās brīnišķīgu cilvēku... tik iedvesmojošu un spēcīgu.”

Ar aizkustinošiem stāstiem dalījušies arī citi vēža slimnieki, atzīstot cik ļoti Elija viņiem palīdzējusi. „Elija uz manu dzīvi atstāja lielāku iespaidu, nekā viņa jebkad varētu iedomāties. Jūsu brīnišķīgā meita izglāba man dzīvību,” raksta kāda cita sekotāja. „Tā vietā, lai padotos, es jau trešo gadu piedzīvoju remisiju un esmu par to pateicību parādā Elijai.”

Elija Meideja ticēja, ka pēc neskaitāmajām operācijām un ķīmijterapijas viņai ir izdevies uzveikt vēzi. Taču 2017. gadā ārsti paziņoja, ka slimība ir atgriezusies.

„Simptomi parādījās lēnāk un ne tik izteikti,” apliecināja Ešlija Lūtere, paskaidrojot, kāpēc sākotnēji nav ievērotas muguras un vēdera sāpes, kā arī nogurums. Tā vietā viņai ieteikts nokristies svarā un tonizēt augumu.

Saskaņā ar Amerikāņu vēža biedrības datiem, sievietes riska faktors dzīves laikā saslimt ar olnīcu vēzi ir 1 no 78. Savukārt slimību sākumstadijā ir grūti pamanīt un diagnosticēt, jo simptomi bieži vien esot līdzīgi citām daudz nenozīmīgākām kaitēm, kā, piemēram, vēdera uzpūšanās gadījumiem un gremošanas traucējumiem.

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The last 4 days I’ve been sleeping like I’ve never slept before— only waking up to go pee, take medication and get my dressing changed. My body is demanding like that, when I need to heal, it takes over and I let it. I think the infection was it’s last straw, and it took over the show. I listen and don’t resist giving it what it needs. Text messages aren’t answered, schedules aren’t followed and luckily I have little responsibilities. I don’t know how people do this alone or with a small family, because for a lot of people life doesn’t allow you to slow down when you need to. Our worlds are filled with demand, I hope you’re all able to take care of your body the way you deserve to. I hope you make time for yourself and listen when the voice says “ I need more sleep” or “ I need more time for exercise” etc What’s something you’ve learned to take care of, what helped you realize it was important? Today I took care of my mind. After a conversation with the one I adore, I was reminded that being positive about this whole living in a hospital situation is my best approach to getting through this without losing my head. 🙌🏻 Our mind is strong, it will bring you through incredible things. Use it. Protect it. Yoda would totally pick up what I’m putting down. Also, how weird is it that I just have two fairly large holes in my stomach. Waiting for the aliens scene to happen hahah

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This was the first photo that made me realize the impact I could have by sharing my story in a visual way. It was late October of 2013 and I had just had my hysterectomy in August. I said something like “happy to be back shooting with the @foreveryourslingerie team” I didn’t think twice about the scar, it wasn’t a post with meaning really, just me doing my thing. The feedback was a lot, I saw how important it would be for me to be visible during this time. I know a lot of people regret not taking photos during treatment, I hope my approach changes your mind. (They can even be photos you don’t share, just ones to remind you of a path traveled) How did you express yourself? Did you take photos? If not, do you regret it?

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Elly Mayday’s given name was Ashley Shandrel Luther. She was born on April 15, 1988 in Saskatchewan, Canada. Ashley was deeply loved by her family in Canada and in Germany. . . Ashley was a country girl at heart who had a passion for life that was undeniable. She dreamed of making an impact on people’s lives. She achieved this through the creation of Elly Mayday which allowed her to connect with all of you. Her constant support and love from her followers held a special place in her heart. . . Ashely passed away on Friday, March 1st at 5:14pm. You all inspired Ashley and we hope she did the same for you. Feel free to share your positive thoughts and memories below. . . love and light, . Ashely’s loving family

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Most people never think they will be the one that get the illness, is in the car accident or the one that has to face a huge hurdle in life. Except me. When I was little, like 7 or 8 I remember sitting out on one of my fav oak trees in my farm. I envisioned talking and teaching massive stadiums full of people about what I had been through. Although I didn’t know what “it” would be, in a way I’ve always been looking for that opportunity to help people. My choice to be public and try and share my strength was imminent. Helping is how I justify my time here is well spent. I’m lucky I have been able to combine it with the fun career of modeling, cause that’s also very me (hah no surprise) I appreciate everyone who lets me know I’ve made a difference, with my advice, my sharing, my photos and just my general approach to a real tough situation. Makes that girl on the oak tree feel pretty complete.

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This time tomorrow I’m planning on heading back to Vancouver with my mom by my side. We’ve got to get more help and some answers to the pain and awful side effects of all I’ve endured. Hopefully a specialist or someone who knows more about immunotherapy can help. If you’ve recovered from bowel surgery, did probiotics help? I’m the thinnest I’ve been in my life and I just don’t think I can lose any more weight. The fact is that my bowels are working overtime, rumbling all hours of the night and churning whatever food I had into mush. I’ve been trying to keep hydrated and gain weight but the food just doesn’t stay with me. I drink a lot of electrolytes and I haven’t been puking which is a nice change. Cannabis has helped with appetite/sleep but these pain killers also feel like they are destroying my gut. 🐡 That’s all my life has been pretty much since I got out in October so that’s why I don’t post much, even though I know you guys are cool with me complaining here and there. So, we’re doing this again. I’m not sure I’ll be admitted immediately. I appreciate any advice you have on what you’ve been through. I’m not giving up hope, My body can get through this.

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Today I managed to walk two laps around the ward, one day post op. It’s so important to get moving as soon as you feel able. I didn’t get a good sleep last night, probably just from all the drugs in my system. I’m feeling okay at the moment but still have some ways to go. I can tell you they were able to find the blockage and reroute/ reattach my bowel. Hopefully allowing me to eat and my system to work in the coming days! 🙌🏻 Hallelujah. I’ll dive into more detail when I’m ready to so please don’t ask 😘 just happy to have this part done with. To date I’ve had almost 30 hrs of operations. Crazy to think about what your body can handle. When your body is weak, let your mind do the work. #ovariancancer #ellymayday #surgery #recovery #firststeps #walkitoff #ovarian #recover #heal #hospital #operation #postop #nurses #gogirlgo

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What day is it? I’ve been in and out of sleep since my operation on Monday. Haven’t hit any major bumps along the way, so things are going well. My epidural was removed Wednesday morning and I’ve been requesting hydromophone as my replacement pain killer. : : There was a lot of discussion on if I should have the epidural or not, main factor being that I would have to remain off of my blood thinner dose— which put me at a higher risk of difficulties during the operation. In the end I was urged by a new anesthesiologist to take the Cadillac of painkillers and the risk. He made clear I would be in a lot of pain seeing as how many operations I’ve already had. He’s my new fav person for helping me choose this option. The blood thinner is now back on its full dosage. They removed my catheter the same day, which only kicks my butt out of bed more often. It’s good it’s gone because I usually get a UTI when it’s left in for any longer. : : Finally, they removed my NG tube. They had put it in during the operation so I didn’t have to experience the awful process once more. So happy it’s out! So my days have been filled with sleep, medication, breathing deep and walking 2-3 times daily. My Dad surprised us all yesterday and my brothers have been here everyday. Walking with me at 7am and 8pm too. You’d never want a sister when ya have brothers like mine. 😉 : : #hospital #iv #gown #vancouver #buzzcut #ovariancancer #tpn #nutritions #catheter #bladder #ngtube #epidural #painkiller #ovarian #canada #speaker

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What would I do without her.

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