
VIDEO: Grieķijā kreiso ekstrēmistu sarīkoto grautiņu laikā aizturēti 30 cilvēki

Nekārtību laikā, kas sekoja sākotnēji miermīlīgajām demonstrācijām pret policijas vardarbību, Grieķijas pilsētās aizturēti vairāk nekā 30 cilvēki.

VIDEO: Grieķijā kreiso ekstrēmistu sarīkoto grauti...

Trešdien policija ziņo, ka nekārtības izcēlušās Atēnās un Salonikos.

Sadursmju laikā kreisie ekstrēmisti policistus apmētājuši ar akmeņiem un Molotova kokteiļiem, un kārtības sargi pūļa savaldīšanai bija spiesti pielietot asaru gāzi.

foto: AFP/Scanpix
Women run away from tear gas smoke during clashes on the sidelines of a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in central Athens's Exarchia neighbourhood on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP)
Women run away from tear gas smoke during clashes on the sidelines of a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in central Athens's Exarchia neighbourhood on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP)

Laikraksts "To Proto Thema" vēsta, ka sadursmēs ievainoti desmit policisti, bet par cietušajiem starp demonstrantiem ziņu nav.

Demonstrācijas tika rīkotas, pieminot kādu 15 gadus vecu pusaudzi, kuru 2008. gadā nošāva policists.

foto: AFP/Scanpix
TOPSHOT - Candles are lit in front of a makeshift memorial for Alexis Grigoropoulos, killed by police, during a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in central Athens, on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP)
TOPSHOT - Candles are lit in front of a makeshift memorial for Alexis Grigoropoulos, killed by police, during a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in central Athens, on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Louisa GOULIAMAKI / AFP)

Ekstrēmistus papildus satracinājusi kāda cita pusaudža sašaušana pirmdienas rītā Salonikos.

Kā ziņots, 16 gadus vecais čigānu pusaudzis tika sašauts galvā agrā pirmdienas rītā pēc tam, kad mēģināja aizbraukt nesamaksājis no benzīna uzpildes stacijas.

Sašautais, lai izvairītos no aizturēšanas, mēģinājis sabraukt policistus, kas to centušies panākt ar motocikliem. Policisti bijuši spiesti atklāt uguni un raidījuši uz autovadītāju divus šāvienus.

foto: AFP/Scanpix
Roadblocks placed by protesters burn during clashes on the sidelines of a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in Thessaloniki on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Sakis MITROLIDIS / AFP)
Roadblocks placed by protesters burn during clashes on the sidelines of a rally against police violence, marking the 14th anniversary of the 2008 fatal police shooting of a teenager in Thessaloniki on December 6, 2022. - Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Athens, Thessaloniki and other Greek cities against police violence, a day after a Roma youth was shot in the head in a police pursuit. The demonstrations were part of planned annual commemorations to mark the 2008 death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old fatally shot by police. (Photo by Sakis MITROLIDIS / AFP)

Ievainotais pusaudzis zaudējis kontroli pār automobili, kas ietriecies sienā.

Sašautais nogādāts slimnīcā, un viņa stāvoklis joprojām ir kritisks.

Policists, kurš šāvis uz pusaudzi, ir aizturēts.
