Krievija pirmo reizi bombardējusi Zaporižjas civilos objektus
Krievijas karaspēks pirmo reizi bombardējis civilos objektus Zaporižjā, trešdien pavēstīja Zaporižjas apgabala administrācijas vadītājs Oleksandrs Staruhs.
"Kā izrādījies, rīts nav labs. Galvenais jaunums - Zaporižjā pirmo riezi tikuši bombardēti civilie objekti. Raķetes atlidojušas uz dzelzceļa stacijas "Zaporižja-2" rajonu. Atbilstoši provizoriskajiem datiem neviens nav zaudējis dzīvību," ziņapmaiņas platformā "Telegram" pavēstīja amatpersona.
Overnight, the Russian occupiers:
— Stratcom Centre UA (@StratcomCentre) March 16, 2022
🔻 Targeted civilian infrastructure in Zaporizhzhia for the first time, hitting the city's railway station.
🔻 Shelled another multi-storey residential building in Kyiv, injuring 2 people.
🔻 Captured Bucha city council staff and volunteers.
This night, the Russian military bombed civilian objects in Zaporizhzhia city (the South-East of Ukraine) for the first time. Shells landed in the area of a railway station and a city botanical garden. Preliminary no casualties reported - the Regional State Administration.
— Toronto Television / Телебачення Торонто (@tvtoront) March 16, 2022
Russian strikes were also reported this morning in Zaporizhzhia, hitting near a railway station and a botanical garden, as well as overnight in Nikopol. Explosions were also heard in Vinnitsya
— Michael A. Horowitz (@michaelh992) March 16, 2022
(picture is from Nikopol overnight)
Raķete atlidojusi arī uz botāniskā dārza rajonu, viņš piebilda.
Kara bērni: pašas spēcīgākās fotogrāfijas no Krievijas agresijas Ukrainā