Talantīgā fotogrāfa Sergeja Gorškova darbi
Elpu aizraujoši foto, kas sīvā cīņā sacenšas "Gada savvaļas fotogrāfs" konkursā
Konkursā "Gada savvaļas fotogrāfs", kuru jau 57. reizi organizē Londonas Dabas vēstures muzejs, šogad saņemts rekordliels pieteikumu skaits.
Nozares ekspertiem bija jāizvēlas starp 50 000 fotogrāfu iesniegtiem darbiem no visas pasaules, vērtējot pēc "radošuma, oriģinalitātes un tehniskās izcilības", teikts paziņojumā presei.
"Tā bija vispārējā darbu kvalitāte, kas mūs pārsteidza," paziņojumā presei sacīja žūrijas kolēģijas priekšsēdētājs Rozs Kidmens Kokss. "Tā kā lielākā daļa ceļojumu pēdējā gada laikā tika atcelti, fotogrāfi, šķiet, ir pavadījuši papildu laiku, apsverot, kādus dārgakmeņus iesniegt."
Šonedēļ publicēta pāris fotogrāfiju izlase, kas izpelnījusies augstas uzslavas žūrijas vidū.
Congratulations to Gagana Mendis Wickramasinghe, whose stunning photograph 'Lockdown Chicks' has been Highly Commended in the @NHM_WPY 2021 10 Years and Under category. 🦜 https://t.co/hgnvMg8MG3 pic.twitter.com/3LTUWgIR2x
— Fiona Sandiford 🥥 (@FionaSandiford) September 1, 2021
A caring hand by Douglas Gimesy, Australia: After a feed of special formula milk, an orphaned grey-headed flying-fox pup lies on a ‘mumma roll’, sucking on a dummy and cradled in the hand of a wildlife carer. #wildlife #compassion https://t.co/knDZ3qZFGC pic.twitter.com/VJDNDIPKOP
— Vaxx Up💉 & 💚 Wear A Mask 😷 (@gurlinthewurld) September 2, 2021
From @CNN 2021 Wildlife photographer awards:
— John Zody (@johnzody) September 1, 2021
"Spanish photographer Jaime Culebras spotted this tarantula hawk wasp dragging a tarantula up his fridge in Quito, Ecuador"
At first, I thought it was just an array of fridge magnets that had something to do with the story. 😳 pic.twitter.com/ZdxfBPIjeJ
US photographer Jack Zhi shot this image of a young white-tailed kite taking a live mouse from its father in mid-air. pic.twitter.com/RkrYBuR0It
— Daryl Pauley (@PauleyDaryl) September 1, 2021
η πεταλούδα και οι μαργαρίτες στους γαλλικούς αγρούς
— Christos Xanthakis (@ChristosXanthak) September 1, 2021
(φωτογραφία δια χειρός EMELIN DUPIEUX, διακριθείσα στο διαγωνισμό WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR) pic.twitter.com/pKNbEKyqnr
When the frequentists and Bayesians are arguing, and you can't tell who is winning (photo: Wei Fu) pic.twitter.com/dt9ZstpV8R
— Thomas Armstrong (@PEEP_lab) September 1, 2021
French photographer Laurent Ballesta found thousands of narwhal shrimp in deep water in the French Mediterranean. pic.twitter.com/khFnZ83nTO
— Daryl Pauley (@PauleyDaryl) September 1, 2021
Net loss by Audun Rikardsen, Norway: In the wake of a fishing boat, a slick of dead and dying herrings covers the surface of the sea off the coast of Norway.
— Jon Pinter (@pinter_jon) September 1, 2021
Photograph: Audun Rikardsen pic.twitter.com/XgiciKhsoA
But I think this may actually be my favourite. The more I look, the more enthralled I become. Jonny Armstrong's highly commended image of a fox wading through lake shallows in Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. @NHM_WPY. Overall #WPY57 winners to be announced on 12 Oct. pic.twitter.com/sUtcXoIcM7
— Jonathan Amos (@BBCAmos) September 1, 2021
Kategoriju uzvarētāji tiks paziņoti 12. oktobrī.
Pērn konkursā uzvarēja krievu fotogrāfa Sergeja Gorškova fotogrāfija, kurā bija redzams, kā tīģeris apkampj koku.
A rare, hopeful image of a Siberian tiger in Russia's Far East won Russian photographer Sergey Gorshkov the honor of Wildlife Photographer of the Year https://t.co/gblta9FqSe
— National Geographic (@NatGeo) October 13, 2020