"Brīdinājums! Sievietes parāda celulītu." Britu TV zvaigzne iedvesmojas no kāda "Instagram" konta
foto: Instagram @danaemercer
Britu TV zvaigzne Nadija Savalha iedvesmojusies no Denejas Merseras atklātā “Instagram” konta.

"Brīdinājums! Sievietes parāda celulītu." Britu TV zvaigzne iedvesmojas no kāda "Instagram" konta


Nadija Savalha (55), kas plašāk pazīstama kā britu televīzijas sarunu šova “Loose Women” zvaigzne, sociālajā vietnē “Instagram” nolēmusi atklāti parādīt, kā fotogrāfijās iespējams noslēpt celulītu, izvēloties pareizo leņķi un pozu.

"Brīdinājums! Sievietes parāda celulītu." Britu TV...

TV zvaigzne, kas jau iepriekš vaļsirdīgi nav slēpusi savus uzskatus, publicējusi ierakstu, kurā blakus redzamas divas fotogrāfijas. Pirmajā (pa kreisi) var aplūkot figūru, kad fotogrāfēšanas brīdī izvēlēts pareizais leņķis un apgaismojums. Savukārt otrajā (pa labi) – to, kā tad ir patiesībā.

Ierakstu viņa komentējusi gana plaši. Fragments: “Brīdinājums! Sievietes parāda celulītu. Aplūkojiet @danaemercer izcili godīgos "Instagram" un reālās dzīves attēlus! Tajos redzams, kā gaisma un poza izmaina to, kā fotogrāfijās izskatāmies. Viņa bija mana iedvesma, lai es uztaisītu šīs fotogrāfijas.

Godīgi sakot, vienīgais, ko es izdarīju, izmainīju apgaismojumu un pozu. Bildes uzņemtas ar pāris minūšu intervālu. Es darītu jebko, lai atgūtu gadus, ko esmu zaudējusi.

Bet es katru dienu strādāju pie tā, lai pieņemtu savu ķermeni. Es mīlu to, jo tam ir laba veselība. Un mīlu to, jo tas ir devis manus bērnus. ”

Denejas Merseras “Instagram” fotogrāfijas, no kurām Savalha iedvesmojusies.

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BEFORE and AFTER transformations are so gosh darn easy to FAKE. And dodgy brands, like those selling DIET TEAS or DIET JABS (the newest horrible thing to hit the market) often do exactly that. So before I get into the ANGLES and the technique and all that razzle dazzle, I just want to say this: Be careful. Especially to the teens on here, or those of us who have struggled with disordered body image. Be careful. Dodgy companies will use dodgy methods to try to sell you things you don’t need. Things like teas that make you poo or SHOTS that mess up your body or pills that make your heart race. HEALTH goals are incredible. There are LOADS of GENUINE FITNESS transformations on here too. Plenty of REAL ‘before and afters’, which are shared by folks who are proud at all they’ve achieved. Those are incredible. I always have and I always will APPLAUD HEALTH as an act of self love. This post isn’t about that. It’s about the BEFORE AND AFTERS with DIET ADS. Or with DETOX TEAS. Or with the most recent onslaught of SKINNY SHOTS. And all the awful, awful fakery that wraps themselves around products more concerned with MONEY than with WELLNESS. It’s about learning to be careful. And to view the internet with a critical eye — especially where money is involved. Now if you’re curious about HOW I took these PHOTOS, here’s what I did: Pulled my bottoms up higher (longer leg line). Arched my back (waist looks smaller, bum bigger). Popped into my hips. Squeezed my core. Played with light and shadows to hide my cellulite. Swapped into more flattering clothes. And BAM. Before to After in 10 seconds flat. Try it if you fancy. It’s pretty much a back workout. So there you go. Glad you’re here. I hope this helped. Please don’t ever buy a skinny jab. We’re in this together. x #angles #posingtips #selfconfidence #beforeandafter #instagramvsreality #instavsreality

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Insta vs reality — or LETS talk LIGHTING. Because that’s the main difference in these photos. In one, my bum is deliberately angled into the shadows. The softer light hides my cellulite and smooths most of my stretchmarks. It’s flattering. In the other, I’m just casually squatting (lol) beside the mirror. My hips and thighs are in the sunlight. Lumps and bumps are on show. There are a few posing differences (core tight, hips popped back, squeeeezzzinnnggg), but mostly this pic is about LIGHT working its magic. When I worked in magazines, we shot at sunrise or sunset. On most sets, there were people holding SUN DIFFUSERS and REFLECTORS to help create the perfect FLATTERING balance of shadow and light. The same thing happens on SOCIAL MEDIA, just in a different form. Most insta-models know EXACTLY how to POSE and work their angles. And they know LIGHTING too. Like how SIDE LIGHT, diffused from a window, is the most flattering for abs but usually pretty harsh on the face. It’s why you’ll often see a phone covering the face. Or how SHADOWS can gently eliminate certain LUMPS and BUMPS. All that is fine with me, honestly. It’s art and photography, and there is no shame in wanting to look FIERCE. But I also want to remind you about how SO MUCH on here is FILTERED. POSED. PERFECTED. And how you shouldn’t EVER COMPARE YOURSELF to a STRANGER on the internet. Because cowgirl, you’re just seeing their snapshots taken in PERFECT LIGHT. Your reality is a whole lot more varied, diverse, and human than that. It’s more perfectly imperfect. Real. Raw. And that’s a wonderful thing indeed. You got this. x #instavsreality #womenirl #womenshealth #popsugarfitness #instagramvsreality #posingtips #cellulite #strengthmarks

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