VIDEO: miljoniem krabju bloķē autoceļus Austrālijas Ziemassvētku salā
Vairākiem desmitiem miljonu krabju Ziemassvētku salā, Austrālijā, sākusies migrācija no mežiem uz okeānu. Plašās krabju pārvietošanās dēļ slēgti autoceļi.
Mazajā salā Austrālijas ziemeļrietumos katru gadu migrē visa tās krabju populācija, kas tiek lēsta aptuveni 50 miljonu apmērā - tā ir lielākā pasaulē.
Krabji savu ceļojumu no meža sāk teju visi vienlaicīgi pēc lietusgāzēm oktobrī-novembrī un dodas uz okeānu, lai tur pārotos un nārstotu.
Annual migration of tens of millions of red crabs across Christmas Island, Australia
— Keith Humphreys (@KeithNHumphreys) November 15, 2021
Every year in Australia, about 120 million crabs migrate from the forest to the sea with the intention of breeding and spawning, but in the middle of their path is a road.ln an attempt to preserve the lives of the crustacians, Australian authorities opted to build bridges
— niloc1406195 Colin President Elect 😜😜😂😂 (@niloc14061952) November 10, 2021
With red crab migration in full swing on Christmas Island 🏝️, the crabs are turning up everywhere, including at the door of an office block 😮!
— Parks Australia (@Parks_Australia) November 15, 2021
Our staff have been out managing traffic 🚦, raking crabs off roads 🛣️ and providing updates to the community on road closures 🚧.
They call it the best time of year... and no we don't mean the countdown to Christmas 🎅. It's red crab migration season at Christmas Island National Park 🎉! ⠀
— Climate Save Movement (@climatesavemvmt) November 11, 2021
The crabs are well and truly on the move and the crab bridge is heaving 🥳.⠀
Via Parks Australia
🔒🦀🔒 Crab lockdown on Christmas Island 🔒🦀🔒
— Parks Australia (@Parks_Australia) November 9, 2021
On Sunday, residents of Christmas Island’s Drumsite were unable to leave their neighbourhood due to a massive number of crabs crossing the roads 🚷❌
Happy Crabathon to all the crabs on Christmas Island
— LoquaciousLo👽 (@Lolly121306) November 12, 2021
Varas iestādes ik gadu gatavojas šai migrācijai, slēdzot autoceļus un aicinot cilvēkus pārvietoties uzmanīgi.
Paredzams, ka šogad krabji piekrasti sasniegs līdz šī mēneša beigām.